
Merchandising and recognition of your brand

Defining the personality of your brand will basically serve as a tool to make yourself better known

Merchandising and Branding of your Company

The personality of your brand will always be a point of reference, so when you lose focus you will only have to resort to the very essence of what your brand is, in other words, remember what personality you gave it and in this way you will return to Its essence

The merchandising and branding or visual style of a brand or product is undoubtedly a component that makes the difference since this leads it to be visually recognized as a brand, company or service, not only before consumers, but also before the competition. direct, and it is that there are many successful brands that over time are focused on being visually powerful, managing to stay in everyone’s memory, that is, not only in the memory of their consumers, but of the community in general, obtaining so great recognition.


We could say by way of introduction that brands, like people, are not made up solely and exclusively of a name, in fact, they are made up of a set of knowledge, values, attributes, attitudes, behaviors, actions and other components inherent to personality, and it is that behind them there is a human group that has been present since before their creation and throughout the trajectory of each one of them, in order to make each of the components listed above make sense grounded to the concept of such a brand.

For what has been said before, we would be wrong if we affirm that branding is just a name, but it is clear that the name is part of the brand and it is really the first approach that users or clients have to the brands.

Branding is that set of ideas belonging to everything that compose it in order to stay in the retina and the heart of your consumers

Therefore, if what you want to transmit with your brand is that set of ideas belonging to everything that makes it up in order to stay in the retina and the heart of your consumers, we would say that you are right.

With the arrival of social networks and therefore the internet, brands, companies, companies and other marketing entities had to reinvent the way in which they supported the branding or communication of their brands, given that the great attraction of emerging companies with said revolution social was precisely the closeness, originality, versatility, and other circumstances that reveal the perspective of real people with needs equal to those of their consumers.

Leaving aside the perfect figures and images, nothing is further from the reality of its consumers, giving way to the organic era where we are all on a real plane with the same needs, resulting in real brands for real people, with needs. real, leading brands and people to feel like a family, creating strategic alliances between the personality of brands through what they are and what they communicate and their consumers. (Branding)

Branding, Merchandising and Visual Recognition

If you understand what the branding or personality of your product or service brand is, this undoubtedly comes from the central idea of ​​what you do or are as a brand, which is nothing other than the reason for your brand’s existence, since, around All the elements that make it up rotate from it, such as: the visible elements; the color, the logo, the name, the products or final product

On the other hand, the elements that are not seen, but are there and strongly perceived, that is: the experience you offer, which is why they really look for you and why you manage to get closer to your audience, your value, emotions through what you offer and in general everything you are as a brand.

Let’s begin to spin what was said before, the emotions of our consumers are intimately linked to the personality and attributes of the brand, product, company or service, to the point that you will know through a small mental exercise that, before a brand, consumers generate great attachments , loves and even needs, whenever they look for them, defend them, advertise them and it could almost be said that they have them as a priority before any event where they are required, for this reason that visual style becomes almost prevailing to strongly develop your branding or brand recognition.

Then you will know that offering products such as t-shirts, caps, masks, hoodies and whatever you can think of, marked with your logo and/or information corresponding to the personality and/or attributes of what you offer, will make your brand recognized. and visibly active, and it is clear that, if your own clients or collaborators take your logo to the place where they are, it will not only speak of who you are, but will also say that you offer something very good or positive, through the experience of brand you provide

Generating brand recognition in whoever sees it and giving a unique and real brand personality image.

It should be clarified that, if you make an effort to give your brand a very marked and positive personality, but you do not really communicate it, this effort will be vain and ineffective, since only what is communicated is known, and that is, introjecting that your brand is a whole monetizable universe, will lead you to strengthen dodo when you undertake in it.

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